Revisiting Museutopia / Ilya Rabinovich
Solo exhibition
Opening: December 28, 12:00pm
Past Exhibitions
Plywood Roots / Eili Levy
Solo exhibition
Opens on September 13, 12:00pm
Come back, I must leave / Moran Lee Yakir
Solo Exhibition
Curator: Ran Kasmy Ilan
Blink of an Eye / Yasmin Davis
Solo exhibition
Curator: Ran Kasmy Ilan
As the Crow Flies / Shmil Frankel
Solo Exhibition
Opening: September 14, 8:00 PM
The Authority for Identity Security (AIS)
Group Show
Opening: Saturday 18/2/23, 20:00
White Peacock / Leigh Orpaz
Solo show
Opening: Saturday 19/11/2022, 20:00
North Tribune, South Tribune / Roy Cohen
Solo Exhibition
Opening: July 16, 5:30pm
I set Frank Barcelona on fire / Alina Orlov
Solo Exhibition
Curator: Ran Kasmy Ilan
Cafe Yodfat - Residency for Israeli Artists
All Things Must Pass / Elad Larom
Solo Exhibition
Curator: Ran Kasmy Ilan
Opening: December 30th, 8pm
And if there's no sea, then there's also no boat
Curator: Ran Kasmy Ilan
8:00 pm