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Nicole Weniger

Nicole Weniger (b. 1987, Innsbruck, Austria) studied Transmedia Art (Brigitte Kowanz) and Art and Communication (Barbara Putz-Plecko) at the University of Applied Arts Vienna.

Identity is the most important theme of Weniger’s artistic work. Questions of belonging, adaptation, social boundaries and the corresponding rules of conduct, characterize her artistic research, which she stages in the form of performative and photographic interventions.

Exhibitions and Performances:

Post Factum, Montrasio Arte, Milano (2023), Unter dem Pflug der Zeit, Strellc, Kosovo (2022), Medienfrische, Bschlabs (2022), JIPfest ´21, Kota Tua, Jakarta (2021), Co-Habitation, Kunstraum Innsbruck (2021), Society of Posthuman Experience, Premierentage, Innsbruck (2019), Kunstankäufe der Stadt Innsbruck (2019), The Unknown, Montrasio Arte, Milan (2018), Vulcania, Ferdinandeum, Innsbruck (2018), Arte Fiera 42 Bologna (2018), Art Düsseldorf (2018), SWAB Barcelona (2017), Heimlich > Unheimlich, Km0 Galerie, Innsbruck (2017), PARALLEL Vienna, Alte Post, Vienna (2016), Landung in der Schwebe, Taxispalais Innsbruck (2016), ArtWalk, MQ Museums Quartier, Vienna (2016), Memento Mori, Space Between Gallery, Cape Town (2015), XWRA, Chora, Greece (2015), environmental scanning, St. Claude Gallery, New Orleans (2014), Seasonal Integration IV, platform arts, Belfast (2014), Saisonale Integration III, periscope, Salzburg (2014), RLB Kunstpreis, Innsbruck (2014), Vrai ou Faux?, Nederlands Fotomuseum, Rotterdam (2013), Schreiraum, Landhausplatz, Innsbruck (2013), Inkognito, Galerie im Andechshof, Innsbruck (2012), Burka, Osztrák Kulturális Fórum, Budapest (2012).
